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Cautions for installation of medical wiring harness

Date: 2021-03-30 Visited: 399

Medical wiring harness This is important for all of us. If the medical wiring harness is not installed properly, it will leave many hidden dangers for the future work. Common problems mainly include: distribution circuit short circuit, weak signal, receiving interference and so on.

1. It is mainly caused by excessive line joints and improper handling of joints. Some lines are too long, there will be some joints in the operation, the joint of the line, insulation and moisture-proof treatment is not bad, there will be circuit break, short circuit and other phenomena.

2. To cut corners to reduce costs, there is no casing treatment on concealed lines.

3. Overworking. Distribution lines do not consider the different specifications of the wire has different rated current, which causes the line itself long-term overload work.

4. Receive distractions. Different lines running on the same tube can interfere with their reception.

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ComHuge (Dongguan) Medical Wire Harness Technology Co., Ltd

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