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Reliability testing of medical wiring harness

Date: 2021-03-30 Visited: 435

Reliability testing generally refers to the degree or standard to which the physical or chemical properties of the product meet the requirements. To measure whether the test results are acceptable, you can refer to industry standards. Although it is not stipulated that medical wiring harness processing plant must obtain laboratory qualification certification, the comprehensive performance of the laboratory reflects the company's attention to product quality and is a sign of the factory's technical ability.

1. Environmental performance test of medical wiring harness

1) The hardness, tensile strength, aging test and flame retardant test of the rubber material;

2) Bending test of wire, film thickness test of terminals and salt spray test;

3) Tensile test of terminal and wire, plug and pull force test of rubber shell and terminal wire;

4) Environmental testing, environmental testing can use their own tester, when necessary to send samples to a third party for testing.

2. Electrical performance test of medical wiring harness

1) Conductor resistance test;

2) Conducting impedance test, line sequence test, insulation impedance test and voltage resistance test of terminal wire.

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ComHuge (Dongguan) Medical Wire Harness Technology Co., Ltd

Hotline: +86-13929208661

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